Friday, June 4, 2010

We're alive....we PROMISE!!!

Sorry for the 2 day delay, but we haven't had a minute of downtime yet! We'll be in Connecticut tonight and I should have some time to do a proper "picture" update.

We had quite the night in New York City last night and our hotel is right in the center of all the action! I'll be sure to post some pics tonight when I recap the last 2 days.

Right now we are headed out to tour the city, ride the Subway, and do our best to stay out of trouble (yeah right...we have already had a few interactions with the local authorities...).

Hmmmm....I think the ladies will be a few more minutes, so I'll recap what I can in the time being...

So on Wednesday, we had a pretty smooth flight into Philadelphia on Southwest. Now if you've never flown on Southwest then you are DEFINITELY missing out! They seem to have a "comical" approach to in-flight service, even offering us freshly-prepared french toast (graham crackers). But they certainly make good time (we arrived 30 minutes early!). We waited for about 2 hours for Jan to arrive and I was sad to see she took a fall before she left on the trip (she had a rather large, purple bump on her head and the beginnings of a magenta colored eye---which now has turned into a magenta "sack" on her eye! Poor Spamoni!).
We hopped into our rental car and ventured out into Amish country!! And what an exciting country it is!! It was pretty much the cutest thing ever and my mom almost crashed into a few buggies while looking at the cute little children in their cute little Amish clothing. Little did we know that we were right smack in the middle of Intercourse (the city, that is) when we drove by Fuzzy Buts (a dog grooming place) and Hooters....and this is AMISH COUNTRY!!! Unbelievable!!

We eventually made it to our hotel and then went out for a nice dinner with some of our long lost cousins. The restaurant was located on a BEAUTIFUL golf course and we really had a lovely time visiting with family and enjoying the scenery. After a quick trip to Walmart (well what did you expect?) we crashed at our hotel for the evening.

Yesterday (Thursday) we ventured out into Harrisburg to find Nana and Papa's childhood homes. We found Nana's first and saw where Aunt Kit had her little shop right down the street. We then found what we think was Papa's home (which was about the width our of arm span). We also saw William Penn High School (beautiful campus). It was really cool seeing these places that we have heard so many stories about.

Well, the ladies seem to be ready so we are off for our day of adventure in NYC! I'll be sure to finish this post and get some pictures on here tonight or tomorrow morning in Connecticut.

In a New York state of mind,
Kt :)

1 comment:

  1. Spamoni told me she was okay. Her picture reminded me of the "one eyed purple eater" song. I reassured that "Sarge", the nurse will take care of her.

    I heard NYC already experienced the "fearsome foursome" with theri unique style of navigating the city. Glad NY's finest were so undersatnding. Good to hear this afternoon, from Spamoni, you all made it out of the city on your way to Conn.. It was interesting to overhear the navigation discussions gogin on why you made you're way on I-97. Now I know what you meant when you said the NE better watch out.

    Keep having fun and looking forward to seeing the first pictures and now..... Look out Boston!
    Uncle Rick
