Thursday, June 10, 2010

Traffic Jams and San Francisco

Well we made to San Fran after quite a bit of driving yesterday...let's just say that New York was looking pretty good after what we went through yesterday.

LA was lovely as always...although there was much more smog than last time. We drove around Beverly Hills in the morning and ate way too much at Souplantation (aka Sweet Tomatoes on the east coast)...we obviously didn't learn anything last time in Oregon and are planning on doing it again the next time we find one of those places...

We then had an absolutely glorious walk along Manhattan Beach...looking inside the incredible houses and the beautiful scenery. Our hotel had a poolside BBQ that night and then we watched the Celtics/Laker game (Jan was for whatever team won).

Yesterday we hit the road around 9:30 without a clue as to what we were heading into...we hopped onto the highway and traveled just about a mile in about 2 hours...yeah, I know...
After we got off the highway and we were able to go over 2 miles per hour, things got going! We stopped at Carl's Jr. for lunch (wish you were here, Ry) and drove past the most lovely of cow farms ( and when i say lovely, what I really mean is disgusting...and I am still having trouble getting the smell out of my nose...). We made it to our hotel by 6:30 (really awesome hotel too) and walked around Fisherman's Wharf around 8 that night. Our hotel is literally right at the awesome!

So today we have a few things on our agenda...walking across the Golden Gate beinng one of them. Pray for us as some of us (ahemmmMOMahemmmm) are rather nervous.

Off to explore the bay,
kt :)

1 comment:

  1. Good to see your blog updates are coming more frequent now. I eagerly await your posts to see what adventures or trouble the Cruisers have gotten into this time.
    Sorry about the traffic. My memories of driving there was to have big semi's almost driving over the top of my VW on foggy mornings on the freeway. Traffic is never good in any big city.
    Heard from Spamoni the beach was nice but Sarge said the water was cold; not quite like the Atlantic waters in S Fla, is it?
    Called Spamoni this morning at 0845 your time. She said she got up earlier and then went back to bed. You guys need to work on her risng time routine.
    Good luck on the Gate bridge walk. I know you'll be warm enough because Spamoni said she was handing out the long underware bottoms she brought along for this adventure. Remember, no cheating. You have to actually walk it to get your offial t-shirt. I'll check the bridge "Cams" to validate....HA! HA!
    Send some pictures.
    Uncle Rick
