Saturday, June 12, 2010

Look out Chuck, here we come!!

Well San Fran was all that I remember it to be...and more! Unfortunately Jan wasn't feeling well Thursday so she hung out at the hotel. The rest of us headed down to Fisherman's Wharf. It was absolutely beautiful and the weather was gorgeous (60's and not a cloud in the sky). We found this little path that took us into the foresty-park area where people biking the bridge could get their start. We then made our way to delicious Ghiradelli Square and had some yummy samples. After some chocolate, we picked up Subway and had lunch back at the hotel with Jan. It was then time to brave the beast! We decided the best way to tour the city and get to the bridge was by the "Hop-on-Hop-off" bus tours. It took us everywhere! We got to see Chinatown, Union Square, Alamo Park and the Painted Ladies (aka the houses and park on the intro to Full house), and last but not least....the Golden Gate! After preparing ourselves mentally (mom) and physically (me....snow boots, anyone?) we hit the bridge! It was an absolutely lovely day with the most glorious of views. They told us it would take about 1 1/2 hours to get across, but they certainly weren't taking my mother into account. She didn't let anything (or anyone...sorry bikers) get in her way from getting to the other side. For those of us who were a little less intimidated, the views of the bay were spectacular! I even saw a sea lion down in the water swimming around! We made it across in about 45 minutes and were relieved to be able to ride our bus back to Fisherman's Wharf.

When we got back, we walked around the wharf and saw our very entertaining sea lion friends at Pier 39 before we grabbed dinner and hit the sack.

Yesterday, our main mission was to ride a cable car DJ Tanner-style (ya know, hanging off the side and all). We (all except Jan---she needed to rest some more) got to the station and hopped on a trolley...and yes, I hung off the side like a real-life San Franciscan. We made it up to Lombard Street (the most crookedest street in the world) and hopped off so we could walk down. The hydrangeas there are incredible! We then hopped back on the trolley and took it to Union Square so we could pick up our tour bus to take us to Alamo Park. We then made it back to Ghiradelli Square for some last minute chocolate purchasing and picked up Jan to head out for Fairfield, California (Jelly Bellys, anyone?).

We got to the the Jelly Belly Factory just in time for one of the last tours. This time it was awesome because they let us taste the different stages of the beans during the tour. They have a new flavor called "Chili-Mango." If you like a little kick, it's perfect for you!

After some beans, we found our hotel and went searching for dinner. We finally found an Applebees (#3 so far for those of you who are counting) and then stopped by Target (#3 as well) for some necessities (reeses pieces).

Today our goal is but one glorious visit my Chuck in his very own museum! Yes folks, it's time for the Charles Shultz Museum. We should end up in Ukiah, California for the night. And if it hasn't changed any in the last 2 years, you can bet that we'll be going to the Walmart and then Applebees for dinner (pretty much all they have besides a Home Depot in that town).

Well faithful viewers, it's time for us to hit the road!
I'll tell Chuck you said hello,
Kt :)


  1. Well, it looks like San Fran managed to survive another onslaught from the Travelling show "Wild Bunch" and this time, even accomplished the goal of "I walked the Bridge!". Too bad the t-shirts weren't more fashionable for souveniers according to Spamoni. Speaking of Spamoni, can't you find something over there in the west coast fresh air and scenery to make her well? Maybe "Chuck" can peform the "magic cure". I like the idea of the "hop-on-hop off" and trolley transportation modes you're using. Sounds like a great idea to see the sights when and how you want to see them.
    Good luck in Ukia and say hi to Chuck for us watching "traveler wanabees".
    Waiting to see some more pictures (have you talked to your tech brother yet?) and hear about you're upcomin travels along the PCH.
    UNcle Rick

  2. Hey Uncle Rick! Unfortunately the fresh air and Chuck were no help in "operation feel better" because it seems that now all of us our coming down with Spamoni's sickness. We might stop by a clinic for her if she doesn't start feeling better soon though.

    Today we aree headed for Harry and David in Medford, Oregon....hopefully the delicious fruit will give us the magical vitamins we need to start feeling better.

    I haven't asked Ry about the pics yet, but part of the problem is I haven't had the chance to use Lori's computer to upload the rest of the pics. I have been updating from her iPad and I can't put pics on that. i think when we get to Oregon I will have a chance to do that...hopefully tonight! Enjoy your Sunday and thanks for the comments
    Kt :)

  3. Clinic idea sounds good. Spamoni's wasting a wonderful trip as long as she is feeling bad including the rest of you if you get sick.
    Harry and David is a good morale "pick me up" and hopefully looking at all the good stuff will make Spamoni feel better.
    Uncle Rick
