Friday, June 18, 2010

Oh Canada... (insert national anthem here)

Well we made it to Canada, bu not without a few hiccups along the way...
Let's back up a few days, shall we?

Well, Charlie Brown Town was all the glorious things I remember it to be. Unfortunately, Spamoni was still feeling icky so she waited in the car for us. We made it to Ukiah Saturday night and hit up the Walmart and Applebees (like I said before....not much else to do). Lori, my mom, and I did find this beautiful lake that was Sunday we drove up to Medford, Oregon to visit Harry and David and eat some delicious concoctions. We decided it was necessary to take Jan and Lori to a clinic so they could get some meds to start feeling better. Marie Calendars fed us a good dinner before we hit the sack for the night.

Monday we began our day with a drive to beautiful Lincoln City on the coast of Oregon. It was about time we stopped at a Dairy Queen for Jan, so we ate there for lunch and then did some shopping at a fun outlet mall there. We weren't that hungry, so we grabbed some food at Safeway and then crashed at the hotel for the night.

Tuesday we were all feeling pretty icky (except for the Bev, thankfully). We drove to Tillamook, Oregon to the cheese/ice cream factory. Thankfully tasting some squeaky cheese curds and ice cream made us all feel a little better. They have almost 40 flavors of ice cream to choose from, which is not an easy task for this group (except for mom, because she has had her heart set on pumpkin ice cream since she heard about it). The final choices were as follows: Mom-Pumpkin, Jan-Vanilla Bean, Lori-Pistachio Pecan, and Me-Cookies and Cream. I think the only way we could've gone wrong was if we chose bubblegum....

We made it to Portland that afternoon and had a tricky time finding our way to Sweet Tomatoes for dinner, but alas we made it.....we enjoyed some strawberry muffins and then ventured out to try to find our hotel again...

Wednesday we headed out to find the waterfalls and do some much needed shopping (no tax in Oregon= happy family). It was a pretty gloomy/rainy day (in Oregon, no way!!), but we made it to the falls to take a few pics and enjoy the sites. We found another sweet little lake and then hit the mall (Clackamas Mall, that is). The ladies did a little bit of credit card damage, but can you blame them when there is no tax?? We (and when I say "we" what I really mean is "me") found our way back to Sweet Tomatoes for a late lunch.
We went by a few supermarkets (Trader Joes!!!! and Fred Meyer) and then found our way to Fabric Depot so we could get some of these reusable bags that my mom gives to strangers (don't ask). Our hotel had a lovely Chinese feast for us when we got back and then got a good night's rest for our long trip to Canada.

Yesterday we hit the road to CANADA!! We stopped at...can you guess??....Applebees for lunch and then kept on driving. They let us into the country without too much trouble (those border people are rather intimidating). We discovered rather quickly that Canada is filled with 2 things...lots of bad drivers and Asians (who are not necessarily the bad drivers). After much traffic, we made it to our sweet casino hotel. Jan opted to hang out in the room while we hit the slots!! Well, while we walked "through" the slots (first I had to go grab my ID...oops). Since the casino didn't offer us much excitement, we hopped in the car and drove around town (only to discover that we were in some type of Asian district---we seriously thought we made a wrong turn and ended up in China). We found a mall and walked around there for a little while and then stopped by a McDonalds for dinner and crashed for the night at the hotel.

Today we are getting ready for an exciting day of ZIP-LINING!!!! I'll be sure to post on how that goes and who chickens out. We pick up Ry at the airport in about an hour (yay!!) and then hit the mountain! After that, our next and final stop will be Seattle!! We'll get in tonight and be there until we leave Tuesday morning.

I tried to post some pics on Lori's facebook page but only some loaded. Check them out if you get a chance and I will try to post more when I can.

Off for an exciting day in Canada!
Talk to you from the States, eh,
Kt :)

1 comment:

  1. Well, good to see a blog update afetr several days. Heard the blogger was under the waehter too in addition to Sapmoni and Lori. Glad to hear from Spamoni the shot and pills made her feel better. Wouldn't want her to miss out any more shopping opportunies in a Wal Mart or Target much less the scenery. Sounds like the ice cream helped the blogger.
    You went to Cananda to get a taste of Asian culture? Reminds me of a time I got lost in Chicago and ended up in what felt like Puerto Rico. Sounds a little wierd. I guess they're everywhere you go.
    Have fun on the zip line. Sapmon says she is goign to stay a sfae distance away; What a Chicken! Ryan should add some fun to the adventures of your bunch.
    Liked the pictures; send more soon! Don't wait so long for your next post.. Want to hear more about the Canada adventures besides ASians and traffic jams.
    Uncle Rick
