Friday, June 18, 2010

Oh Canada... (insert national anthem here)

Well we made it to Canada, bu not without a few hiccups along the way...
Let's back up a few days, shall we?

Well, Charlie Brown Town was all the glorious things I remember it to be. Unfortunately, Spamoni was still feeling icky so she waited in the car for us. We made it to Ukiah Saturday night and hit up the Walmart and Applebees (like I said before....not much else to do). Lori, my mom, and I did find this beautiful lake that was Sunday we drove up to Medford, Oregon to visit Harry and David and eat some delicious concoctions. We decided it was necessary to take Jan and Lori to a clinic so they could get some meds to start feeling better. Marie Calendars fed us a good dinner before we hit the sack for the night.

Monday we began our day with a drive to beautiful Lincoln City on the coast of Oregon. It was about time we stopped at a Dairy Queen for Jan, so we ate there for lunch and then did some shopping at a fun outlet mall there. We weren't that hungry, so we grabbed some food at Safeway and then crashed at the hotel for the night.

Tuesday we were all feeling pretty icky (except for the Bev, thankfully). We drove to Tillamook, Oregon to the cheese/ice cream factory. Thankfully tasting some squeaky cheese curds and ice cream made us all feel a little better. They have almost 40 flavors of ice cream to choose from, which is not an easy task for this group (except for mom, because she has had her heart set on pumpkin ice cream since she heard about it). The final choices were as follows: Mom-Pumpkin, Jan-Vanilla Bean, Lori-Pistachio Pecan, and Me-Cookies and Cream. I think the only way we could've gone wrong was if we chose bubblegum....

We made it to Portland that afternoon and had a tricky time finding our way to Sweet Tomatoes for dinner, but alas we made it.....we enjoyed some strawberry muffins and then ventured out to try to find our hotel again...

Wednesday we headed out to find the waterfalls and do some much needed shopping (no tax in Oregon= happy family). It was a pretty gloomy/rainy day (in Oregon, no way!!), but we made it to the falls to take a few pics and enjoy the sites. We found another sweet little lake and then hit the mall (Clackamas Mall, that is). The ladies did a little bit of credit card damage, but can you blame them when there is no tax?? We (and when I say "we" what I really mean is "me") found our way back to Sweet Tomatoes for a late lunch.
We went by a few supermarkets (Trader Joes!!!! and Fred Meyer) and then found our way to Fabric Depot so we could get some of these reusable bags that my mom gives to strangers (don't ask). Our hotel had a lovely Chinese feast for us when we got back and then got a good night's rest for our long trip to Canada.

Yesterday we hit the road to CANADA!! We stopped at...can you guess??....Applebees for lunch and then kept on driving. They let us into the country without too much trouble (those border people are rather intimidating). We discovered rather quickly that Canada is filled with 2 things...lots of bad drivers and Asians (who are not necessarily the bad drivers). After much traffic, we made it to our sweet casino hotel. Jan opted to hang out in the room while we hit the slots!! Well, while we walked "through" the slots (first I had to go grab my ID...oops). Since the casino didn't offer us much excitement, we hopped in the car and drove around town (only to discover that we were in some type of Asian district---we seriously thought we made a wrong turn and ended up in China). We found a mall and walked around there for a little while and then stopped by a McDonalds for dinner and crashed for the night at the hotel.

Today we are getting ready for an exciting day of ZIP-LINING!!!! I'll be sure to post on how that goes and who chickens out. We pick up Ry at the airport in about an hour (yay!!) and then hit the mountain! After that, our next and final stop will be Seattle!! We'll get in tonight and be there until we leave Tuesday morning.

I tried to post some pics on Lori's facebook page but only some loaded. Check them out if you get a chance and I will try to post more when I can.

Off for an exciting day in Canada!
Talk to you from the States, eh,
Kt :)

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Look out Chuck, here we come!!

Well San Fran was all that I remember it to be...and more! Unfortunately Jan wasn't feeling well Thursday so she hung out at the hotel. The rest of us headed down to Fisherman's Wharf. It was absolutely beautiful and the weather was gorgeous (60's and not a cloud in the sky). We found this little path that took us into the foresty-park area where people biking the bridge could get their start. We then made our way to delicious Ghiradelli Square and had some yummy samples. After some chocolate, we picked up Subway and had lunch back at the hotel with Jan. It was then time to brave the beast! We decided the best way to tour the city and get to the bridge was by the "Hop-on-Hop-off" bus tours. It took us everywhere! We got to see Chinatown, Union Square, Alamo Park and the Painted Ladies (aka the houses and park on the intro to Full house), and last but not least....the Golden Gate! After preparing ourselves mentally (mom) and physically (me....snow boots, anyone?) we hit the bridge! It was an absolutely lovely day with the most glorious of views. They told us it would take about 1 1/2 hours to get across, but they certainly weren't taking my mother into account. She didn't let anything (or anyone...sorry bikers) get in her way from getting to the other side. For those of us who were a little less intimidated, the views of the bay were spectacular! I even saw a sea lion down in the water swimming around! We made it across in about 45 minutes and were relieved to be able to ride our bus back to Fisherman's Wharf.

When we got back, we walked around the wharf and saw our very entertaining sea lion friends at Pier 39 before we grabbed dinner and hit the sack.

Yesterday, our main mission was to ride a cable car DJ Tanner-style (ya know, hanging off the side and all). We (all except Jan---she needed to rest some more) got to the station and hopped on a trolley...and yes, I hung off the side like a real-life San Franciscan. We made it up to Lombard Street (the most crookedest street in the world) and hopped off so we could walk down. The hydrangeas there are incredible! We then hopped back on the trolley and took it to Union Square so we could pick up our tour bus to take us to Alamo Park. We then made it back to Ghiradelli Square for some last minute chocolate purchasing and picked up Jan to head out for Fairfield, California (Jelly Bellys, anyone?).

We got to the the Jelly Belly Factory just in time for one of the last tours. This time it was awesome because they let us taste the different stages of the beans during the tour. They have a new flavor called "Chili-Mango." If you like a little kick, it's perfect for you!

After some beans, we found our hotel and went searching for dinner. We finally found an Applebees (#3 so far for those of you who are counting) and then stopped by Target (#3 as well) for some necessities (reeses pieces).

Today our goal is but one glorious visit my Chuck in his very own museum! Yes folks, it's time for the Charles Shultz Museum. We should end up in Ukiah, California for the night. And if it hasn't changed any in the last 2 years, you can bet that we'll be going to the Walmart and then Applebees for dinner (pretty much all they have besides a Home Depot in that town).

Well faithful viewers, it's time for us to hit the road!
I'll tell Chuck you said hello,
Kt :)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Traffic Jams and San Francisco

Well we made to San Fran after quite a bit of driving yesterday...let's just say that New York was looking pretty good after what we went through yesterday.

LA was lovely as always...although there was much more smog than last time. We drove around Beverly Hills in the morning and ate way too much at Souplantation (aka Sweet Tomatoes on the east coast)...we obviously didn't learn anything last time in Oregon and are planning on doing it again the next time we find one of those places...

We then had an absolutely glorious walk along Manhattan Beach...looking inside the incredible houses and the beautiful scenery. Our hotel had a poolside BBQ that night and then we watched the Celtics/Laker game (Jan was for whatever team won).

Yesterday we hit the road around 9:30 without a clue as to what we were heading into...we hopped onto the highway and traveled just about a mile in about 2 hours...yeah, I know...
After we got off the highway and we were able to go over 2 miles per hour, things got going! We stopped at Carl's Jr. for lunch (wish you were here, Ry) and drove past the most lovely of cow farms ( and when i say lovely, what I really mean is disgusting...and I am still having trouble getting the smell out of my nose...). We made it to our hotel by 6:30 (really awesome hotel too) and walked around Fisherman's Wharf around 8 that night. Our hotel is literally right at the awesome!

So today we have a few things on our agenda...walking across the Golden Gate beinng one of them. Pray for us as some of us (ahemmmMOMahemmmm) are rather nervous.

Off to explore the bay,
kt :)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Here are a few pictures from New York.

One on at Central Park, one on the subway, and one after the map thief realized her dirty deed...

Ahhh...there's nothing like the westcoast!

We made it to LA!!! After a 5 hour 50 minute flight (and way too many episodes of Real Housewives of New Jersey) we made it to Long Beach, California. But let's back up a few days since you haven't even been to Boston yet!

After a night in Connecticut, we began our journey to Massachusetts. We got to Yankee Candle around 11:30 and walked into a candle lover's wonderland...
What looked like a small room that described the history of the company turned into room after room of goodies galore. It took us about 2 1/2 hours to walk through all of the different rooms with all kinds of fun things (candles and other home goods). There was even a Christmas section!! My favorite part was getting to make my own jar candle that smells like strawberry bliss.

After Yankee, we made our way onto the highway and had lunch at an....Applebees! Yum yum yum! We made it into Boston around 6:30, had a quick bite at the hotel, and then walked around the park ("pock") and T station (Boston's version of the subway) before hitting the sack for the night. Oh...and fun fact about our hotel...our room was called the "Revere Suite" and was set up like a boardroom (long table, business chairs...the works). It was awesome, to say the least.

Sunday we woke up and made our way into Boston for the day. We hopped on the T and then made our way onto a trolley that took us around the city. We went on a little cruise around the harbor and explored an old navy ship (really neat). We then explored Quincey Market (but pronounced "mock-it") and had a nice lunch outside while watching some Redcoats march around with their riffles.
Our next plan was to visit Paul Revere's House and some old church, but the impending thunderstorm changed our plans. We hopped on the T and got back inside of our hotel about 30 seconds before a RIDICULOUS downpour and thunderstorm! We hung out at our hotel and got to bed early since we had to get up at 5:00 for our flight.

Once we arrived in LA, we had lunch (fish tacos, anyone??) at Islands and went down to the Farmer's Market (where we become innocent bystanders to a verbal argument among strangers...I won't give you the details of the profanity, but let's just say that the cray lady should NOT have put her basket on the celery...bad idea...).
Anywho...we got some delicious (understatement) fruit and walked around there for a little bit. We then stopped by Bed, Bath, and Beyond and TARGET (shocker). We had a Chef Boy-ar-dee Ravioli dinner at the hotel lobby and crashed for the night.

Not sure what the plans are for today...just heading out into the Hollywood jungle, I guess. I'll be sure to post about our adventures when I can. And I'm still trying to figure out how and when I can post the pictures, but I will as soon as I am able to...sorry for the delay!

Have a great day, friends!! We miss you all!! :)
Kt :)

Saturday, June 5, 2010


Here are a few pics. This blog doesn't let me post many, so I am putting them in an album on Kodak's website.
Check them out later when I post a link!

On the Road Again... (literally)

Yes folks, we're on the road again. But since I promised to give you a proper update this morning, we managed to use Lori's iphone to get her computer!
So, where did we leave off....

After we left Papa's house, we headed off to Hershey! We went on the cutest little ride at Chocolate World that explained how the chocolate was made (with some adorable singing cows)....for those of you Jon and Kate fans, this was the same ride they went on when they visited...

We also saw the WORLD'S LARGEST CRAYON at the Crayola factory....oh what a wonderful thing to be surrounded by so many crayons!

Then we hit the road for NYC and made a quick pit stop at a....drum roll please..... APPLEBEES!! Yes, we branched out for lunch and tried the local fare at Applebees. But we did enjoy much so they we were able to finish off one of our gift cards there on the meal. Since the gift card was empty, I was trying to fold it in half so we would remember to throw it away....well little did I know but when I was folding it in half, it slipped out of my hand and flew halfway across the restaurant and landed at the feet of some man sitting by himself. I, unaware that this even happened, started looking around for the card when I saw a shocked look on Lori's face. I then noticed the card at the man's feet, who seemed a little shocked himself. Thankfully, he was very kind about me throwing things at him and told us a story about how some lady once hit his son in the eye with jello at a restaurant. We about wet ourselves with laughter after that my little incident....

After lunch/dinner, we made our way into the city....which was interesting to say the least. It took us about 3 1/2 hours to go, oh I don't know 30 miles. They have this thing called "traffic" which should not be fooled around with! But my mom fearlessly made her way through the streets and got us to our hotel safely (with only 1 minor interaction with law enforcement....apparently they have this rule about turning right during the hours of 4-7 can't! Thankfully the police officer had pity on our poor, tired, and lost selves that he let us off without a ticket.).

After enjoying some fresh cookies on the 33rd floor of our hotel (it had 43 floors), we hit the town ! We went into M&M world (so much fun) and then set out on a search for Junior's Cheesecake. After a few wrong turns, we made it there and tried some VERY DELICIOUS blueberry cheesecake. We crashed for the evening after that, with a plan to get up early to go by the set of the Today Show in the morning. Well, I woke up in the morning with a bit of a fever, "Bieber Fever" that is. For those of you that aren't 12 year old girls, Justin Bieber is the hottest thing since Elvis Presley. My mom and I headed down to NBC studios to see about 1,000 screaming (and crying) 10 year old girls and their moms waiting patiently for Justin to come out and serenade them. Unfortunately for us, we were quite far away and could barely hear a thing. But thankfully my "Bieber Fever" went down and we were able to walk around town some and then back to the hotel to pick up the ladies.

Our goal for the day was to see The Statue of Liberty and Central Park. We hopped on the subway (the train, not the sandwich, mom) and got off in Chinatown. We then had to walk quite a ways to get to the statue. We stopped at this little shop and Lori got a map to show us the different subway stops. And I probably should tell you, that when I say "got" I really mean "took." She didn't notice the $7.95 price sticker until I pointed it out to her when we were down by the water looking at the statue. Yep, we're traveling with a criminal here folks. So then our NEW mission was to make it back to the same store she took the map from so she could pay for it (easier said than done). We had lunch at some financial building and then after a few wrong turns, made it back to the scene of the crime so Lori could redeem her good name.

We then hopped on the subway and made it to Central Park. It was absolutely beautiful and WAY bigger than I expected! It was fun to see all of carriage rides and horses. If we would have had more time, it would have been a lovely place to go on a bike ride.

Then it was time to get back to our hotel, pick up our car and luggage, and get out of town before the traffic hit. Unfortunately, there is rarely a time in NYC when the traffic doesn't hit! Our quick trip to Connecticut ended up take us 2 1/2 hours longer than anticipated. BUT we made it to Connecticut!! We had dinner at a little pizza place and then got back to our hotel a little before 9 and watched the national spelling bee on tv.

Today we got up and enjoyed a lovely breakfast outside on the patio overlooking the hills and trees. And now you're pretty much caught up on all of the action! We're still on the road and should be at the Yankee Candle Factory in about 40 minutes (thankfully we are done with NYC traffic).

I've posted a few pictures from our journey and will be sure to keep them coming.

Hold on to your credit cards folks....look out Yankee, here we come!
Kt :)

Friday, June 4, 2010

We're alive....we PROMISE!!!

Sorry for the 2 day delay, but we haven't had a minute of downtime yet! We'll be in Connecticut tonight and I should have some time to do a proper "picture" update.

We had quite the night in New York City last night and our hotel is right in the center of all the action! I'll be sure to post some pics tonight when I recap the last 2 days.

Right now we are headed out to tour the city, ride the Subway, and do our best to stay out of trouble (yeah right...we have already had a few interactions with the local authorities...).

Hmmmm....I think the ladies will be a few more minutes, so I'll recap what I can in the time being...

So on Wednesday, we had a pretty smooth flight into Philadelphia on Southwest. Now if you've never flown on Southwest then you are DEFINITELY missing out! They seem to have a "comical" approach to in-flight service, even offering us freshly-prepared french toast (graham crackers). But they certainly make good time (we arrived 30 minutes early!). We waited for about 2 hours for Jan to arrive and I was sad to see she took a fall before she left on the trip (she had a rather large, purple bump on her head and the beginnings of a magenta colored eye---which now has turned into a magenta "sack" on her eye! Poor Spamoni!).
We hopped into our rental car and ventured out into Amish country!! And what an exciting country it is!! It was pretty much the cutest thing ever and my mom almost crashed into a few buggies while looking at the cute little children in their cute little Amish clothing. Little did we know that we were right smack in the middle of Intercourse (the city, that is) when we drove by Fuzzy Buts (a dog grooming place) and Hooters....and this is AMISH COUNTRY!!! Unbelievable!!

We eventually made it to our hotel and then went out for a nice dinner with some of our long lost cousins. The restaurant was located on a BEAUTIFUL golf course and we really had a lovely time visiting with family and enjoying the scenery. After a quick trip to Walmart (well what did you expect?) we crashed at our hotel for the evening.

Yesterday (Thursday) we ventured out into Harrisburg to find Nana and Papa's childhood homes. We found Nana's first and saw where Aunt Kit had her little shop right down the street. We then found what we think was Papa's home (which was about the width our of arm span). We also saw William Penn High School (beautiful campus). It was really cool seeing these places that we have heard so many stories about.

Well, the ladies seem to be ready so we are off for our day of adventure in NYC! I'll be sure to finish this post and get some pictures on here tonight or tomorrow morning in Connecticut.

In a New York state of mind,
Kt :)